Parents Checklist

A comprehensive list of all “to do’s” you must complete before your child can attend camp.

The following information is provided to assist you in preparing your child for camp. Please feel free to contact camp for any questions you have at any time.



The tuition covers  room and board, sports equipment, instruction in all activities, craft supplies, laundry and a camp t-shirt. The tuition does not include West Virginia sales tax, medical insurance, riding helmet or transportation between camp and the airport. It is against our policy for counselors to receive gratuities.

A $1000 deposit per session, which is applied to tuition, is required upon enrollment. A $1000 deposit is due February 1, and a final payment of the balance is due April 1. You can lock in 2024 rates by paying in full now.

We accept payment by all major credit cards, electronic check or by check.

After September 15th, there will be a 2% service charge on credit card transactions- not debit or ACH.

  • A 5% sibling discount can be applied for additional children in the immediate family.
  • A $150 Refer a Friend Discount is applied for every new friend that enrolls and attends camp.

Each camper is required to have a physical examination within 12 months prior to her arrival at Camp. Please see information to complete Health Forms in the CampInTouch section.

All medication is kept in our infirmary. All medication must be in the original container with instructions on the container and will be dispensed according to the physician’s ordrs. Please do not bring homeopathic medication or vitamins. Please complete the Medication section on the Health History Form.


Campers arrive on Sunday generally between 10:30am and 12:30pm. Arrival information emails are sent several days prior to your daughter’s Opening Day. Therefore, it is important that we have an email address for each camper’s family.

If you are not bringing your daughter to camp, please notify us so that we may have you complete any additional required forms.


Departure is on Saturday generally between 10:00 am and 12 noon. If you have arranged for another family to bring your daughter home from camp, please complete the Parents Permission Form and fax to our office before your daughter’s departure.


If your daughter will be traveling alone to or from Camp by air, please complete the online Camper Travel Form as soon as possible and NO LATER than 4 weeks prior to her arrival.

  • Arrival time – book her flight to arrive at the airport between 11:00 am and 4:00 pm. International campers may arrive one day early, the Saturday before her session start date to give her ample time to rest from her travels before camp begins.
  • Departure time – book her flight to depart the airport between 12:00 noon and 5:00 pm.
  • Transportation to and from the airport – Camp provides transportation to and from Washington Dulles International Airport or Reagan National Airport. Dulles Airport is a 90 minute car ride from camp and Reagan is nearly a two hour ride. A camp counselor and a camp driver will accompany your child in a camp vehicle. There is a fee for this service.
  • Unaccompanied Minor – Please be sure to book your child as an unaccompanied minor allowing Camp personnel to escort your child through security at the airport.
  • An extra fee will be applied for arrivals and departures outside the recommended arrival/departure time frame or for travel outside for arrivals/departures with less than one week notice to Camp.
  • Arrival/departure reminders – Provide camp with your daughter’s boarding pass/ticket, a receipt that her luggage has been paid for and cash for her to travel with.
  • Cell phone/passport/valuables – Camp will store them safely in our camp office.

Packing lists are appropriate for any length of stay. We provide laundry service once per two week session. Please use a footlocker no higher than 14”. has an excellent selection of camp trunks and gear.

Riding Attire: The riding hat must fit well and bear the seal of the Safety Equipment Institute ASTM-SEI. It is best to have the helmet fitted at a local equestrian shop. If you don’t have a local shop, Colleen or her associates at Dover Saddlery, 860-643-1008 will be happy to help you place an order. The shoes should be designed for horseback riding and can either be boots or tie shoes with a defined heel. The heel should be no higher than one inch. Sneakers and hiking boots are not acceptable for riding. Campers may ride in jeans or any long pants. Tank tops are not permitted for riding-a shirt that covers the shoulders must be worn.


USPS, FedEx and UPS: Address all mail to Camp Rim Rock, 343 Camp Rim Rock Road, Yellow Spring, WV 26865. Include your daughter’s full name and unit on all mail you send. Packages cannot contain FOOD. If you send a package, please make it small in size and limit it to one package per session. Please help us by alerting relatives and friends of our no food policy.

Emails: You may email your daughter using our one-way email service through CampInTouch.


We have a no cell phone and tablet policy. While we understand that electronics are a large part of our everyday lives, we would love to keep Camp electronics free. Please bring real books. We discourage valuable personal items to camp as Camp is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged items. No PETS of any kind are allowed at camp at any time, including Opening and Closing Days. Camp Rim Rock is a drug free, smoke free and alcohol free camp.


Visits are usually a problem both for your daughter and her cabin mates. We do not have a visiting day. Phone calls get in the way of your daughter’s adjustment to camp. If you need to find out how your daughter is adjusting, call the office at 347-RIM-ROCK, and we will arrange a convenient time for a director to return your call.


Tuition includes a nonrefundable $50 Trading Post Allowance for each camper regardless of the number of sessions she is attending. Campers visit the camp store twice weekly. Parents have an opportunity to visit the camp store with their daughters on Opening and Closing Days. Items available are toiletries, stamps/stationery, batteries, snacks, small souvenirs and camp clothing.


If your daughter has one or two friends of the same age and grade with whom she would like to have as bunk mates, we will gladly consider your requests, although we can make no definite commitments.

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